Men's Health

How can Erectile Dysfunction be treated?

Men don’t like to discuss erectile dysfunction. Around a third men aged over 60 are affected. The figure is 10 percent among 40-49-year-olds. Experts believe that there are many more cases than those reported. 

Erectile dysfunction is a taboo topic in our society. Men are often reluctant to visit the doctor. Without treatment, such as medication, symptoms will worsen and the affected people will suffer more.

Erectile Dysfunction: Common Causes

Increased blood flow to the penis is responsible for erections. Blood is pumped into the erectile tissues under high pressure through dilated arterial walls. Veins are compressed during this process. The pressure increases in the corpuscavernosum, and the penis becomes stiffer. The complex interaction between nerves, blood vessel and hormones is what makes this process possible.

Many factors can lead to a reduced erectile functioning. It is usually caused by physical factors, but there are also psychological ones that can play a part. Researchers are investigating a possible link between Long Covid, erectile disorder and the herb.

Erection problems can be caused by Psychological Factors

In younger men, potency issues are more often caused by psychological factors such as depression, stress, anxiety disorders, or stressful events. They should still be considered as possible causes.

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A Testosterone Deficiency can cause potency Disorders

As men age, a (naturally) declining level of testosterone can cause problems. In rare cases, testosterone deficiency is congenital. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by medication, injury (like a fractured pelvis) or surgery (on either the prostate or bowel).

Lifestyle and pre-existing conditions can cause erectile dysfunction

Smoking, alcohol, obesity, and lack of physical activity can all damage blood vessels. This will then prevent blood from flowing to the erectile tissues. Potency disorders can be an indication of impending heart attacks or strokes, or they may be caused by diseases that affect the central nervous systems.

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis are some of these diseases. Diabetes mellitus and other circulatory problems such as high blood pressure, fatty livers or lipid metabolism issues can be caused by diabetes, high cholesterol, a fatty diet, or a fatty lifestyle.

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

When a man is unable to get or maintain an erection that is adequate for sexual activity, he is said to have erectile dysfunction.

The problem persists for more than six months or occurs in over two thirds of relevant situations.

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Diagnosis for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a serious problem. Consult your family doctor or an urologist if erectile problems persist over a period of several months.

First, you should consult your doctor to determine if there are any past illnesses, injuries or medications that could have caused the condition.

Then, several tests are performed. The blood testosterone level is determined and the penis examined using weak electrical impulses to detect any nerve damage. A test that injects erectile tissues can also provide valuable information on the function of the tissue. In order to achieve this, a drug will be injected into the male penis.

Sleep labs can help you find the root cause of your problems. The nocturnal Penile Tumescence Measurement involves measuring spontaneous erections while sleeping. Normal values tend to indicate that the condition is psychological.

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What causes man boobs?

It is best to understand the root cause of Man Boobs (often called Moobs). To get rid of manboobs, it is important to identify the cause and not just the symptoms. Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of excess chest fat. The main contributor to excess chest fat is Hormonal Imbalance.

Are man boobs a problem of obese people?

You are wrong to think it's only a problem for overweight guys. Many thin men have Man Boobs. Here are some quick tips to help you get rid of Man Boobs. You can get rid of man boobs with a focus on increasing your testosterone levels.

What to know about exercises against man boobs?

Exercises are often not as simple as you think. Focused exercises are the best way to shape your chest. You can increase your anabolic effect by using compound exercises that stimulate muscle fibers. For each repetition of muscle-sculpting exercises, you should aim to do 5 seconds.

Why should you add cardio to your exercise rutine?

If you want to lose your man boobs, you should add cardio to your exercise routine. You shouldn't do long, slow-paced cardio like aerobics. This type of exercise actually stimulates two hormones you don't want.

You want to reduce your levels of Progesterone, Cortisol, and other hormones. You want to do a short, but intense exercise program. This type of Cardio benefit can be achieved by taking up a sport.

How to boost your testosterone production?

You will notice a dramatic increase in your testosterone levels from sport's stop/start intensity. Making love in the morning stimulates testosterone production. You can also make simple changes to your diet and do the exercises above to quickly get rid of those Moobs. Eliminate simple carbohydrates such as white sugar, white bread, and white rice.

How to eat to get ride of man boobs?

Do not follow high-protein or high-carb diet fads. Plan 3 meals per day and 3 snacks per day. You can slow down your metabolism and decrease your body's testosterone production if you eat irregularly or skip meals.

Your essential fatty acid intake should be increased. This can be done by increasing your intakes of avocadoes, flax seed oils, olive oil, and fish.

Why to avoid eating soy if you want to get ride of man boobs?

There is a lot of pressure right now to eat lots and drink lots of Soy. Don't do it. Soy protein does not increase testosterone, but it does raise estrogen levels in the body.

It has been shown that Spice Turmeric can increase testosterone levels in men. Some men even claim that adding the right amount of Indian Spice to their diets has been enough to get rid of Man Boobs!

How to naturally get ride of man boobs?

The sun also increases our testosterone levels. This doesn't necessarily mean you should go out and get fried. It is important to remember the importance of the sun's ultraviolet rays in boosting testosterone production. These rays stimulate the release of the luteinizinghormone, which in turn increases testosterone levels. Vitamin D can be obtained at moderate levels from the Sun. It is well-known that vitamin D can help reduce depression.

How to transform your man boobs?

There are certain exercises and strategies that will transform your man's boobs into plump pecs. It seems that most people don’t know about them. If you are trying to get rid of gynecomastia at the gym, do inclined bench presses. You can lift your chest fat by strengthening your upper chest. Your chest will appear more elevated and less saggy, and the greatest change will be made.

Why to start running to lose man breast fat?

Next, you will need to evaluate your running routine. Are you running for an hour on the treadmill in an effort to reduce your man boobs. Forget it. It's actually making things worse, believe it or not. Running should be limited to short, intense sessions. Do not run for longer than 25 minutes at one time. You want to keep the body in an aerobic, fat-burning state.

Your body will become more aerobic if you do cardio for longer periods. While it won't help you lose fat, it will increase your heart rate and burn calories. You're trying to make your body lose existing fat. This requires a fast, intense run.

Why to eat more turmeric if you are a man?

Turmeric is a great addition to these two exercises. Turmeric is a spice that can be used to increase your metabolism. Turmeric, an Indian spice, has been shown to reduce chest fat. Turmeric works by naturally increasing testosterone levels and reducing fat around the chest. With the right diet and exercise, your man boobs can be gone in a matter of months.

What should you know about prostatitis?

Prostatitis can be categorized either as chronic bacterial or chronic prostatitis (CP), also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) or pelvic myoneuropathy. Besides both of these forms, the condition can also be categorized as severe or asymptomatic inflammatory.

What is prostatitis?

The disease is defined as any kind of inflammation of the thyroid gland. This disorder can affect both young and middle aged men. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a condition involving recurrent urinary tract infections arising from an infection in the prostate. Chronic prostatitis, on the other hand, can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory.

What causes chronic prostatitis?

Autoimmune and neurogenic inflammation have been speculated as the primary factors behind CPPS. Neurogenic inflammation may be caused by dysregulation of the neighborhood nervous system that can be a result of past traumatic experiences.

An anxious mood or unconscious pelvic tensing may also cause neurogenic inflammation.

What are symptoms of prostatitis?

Men who suffer from prostatitis may feel pain during urination or ejaculation. CP/CPPS is thought to be caused by an autoimmune process or chronic inflammation which stemmed from a breakdown of immunoregulatory mechanisms in the region around the prostate.

What causes autoimmunity?

A variety of reasons have been recognized to cause autoimmunity. These motives include bacterial, viral or fungal disease, toxin exposure, physical injury, genetics, stress and diet. Infection that causes autoimmune reactions may be caused by a virus, bacteria or parasites. It may also be caused by parasites and normal bacterial flora.

What can lead to an autoimmune response?

Researchers also have discovered that a persistent, continuing disease can lead to an autoimmune response. Besides these organisms, antibiotics also have been implicated in autoimmunity.

A study reported that certain chemicals can cause genetic reshuffling or the activation of part of the immune system which may result in fatigue, rashes and muscle pain.

Is physical trauma a factor implicated in autoimmune response?

Another factor implicated in autoimmune response is physical trauma. One example of that is vasectomy. It's a recognized fact that vasectomy often contributes to an autoimmune response primarily because of the chance of exposing the body's cells to sperm through the incisions made during the surgery.