Men's Health

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes and Treatment

Impotence, erectile disorder or potency disorder are all colloquial terms for erectile dysfunction. This is not accurate. These terms are not precise because they combine or describe several different disorders.

For example, one term may refer to erectile dysfunction, another to premature ejaculation and the third could be infertility. Infertility is the inability to have children.

How common is Erectile Dysfunction?

With age, erectile dysfunction is more common. Just under one man in ten is affected by erectile dysfunction among 40-49-year olds. Among 60-69-year olds, it’s already one out of three. 

A 2000 university study showed this, and other studies from many countries reached similar conclusions. Experts believe that many cases are not reported. Actual figures may be higher.

Erectile dysfunction, especially in men older than 50 years old, can be a warning sign for vascular disease. Early treatment is important to prevent serious consequences. It is important to consult a doctor about potency issues.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological triggers. Men who suffer from physical potency issues can develop additional psychological problems.

Men under 30 are more likely to suffer from purely psychological causes. Depression is often linked to erectile problems, in addition to partner conflicts, stress, anxiety disorders or problems.

Erectile dysfunction is most common in men older than 50.

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Circulatory Disorders

The most common cause of penile disease is a disturbance in the blood flow. The arteries supplying blood to the penis are “calcified”. Blood drains too quickly through the veins. Both. The amount of blood within the erectile tissues of the penis no longer suffices to produce a satisfactory erection.

Many Diseases that cause circulatory problems can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Diabetes mellitus (diabetes).
  • High blood pressure
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Smoking, obesity, lack exercise and an unhealthy and unbalanced diet can also have a significant impact on potency.
Testosterone Deficiency

For a satisfying erection, a testosterone level that is high enough is essential. The testosterone levels in men’s blood decrease with age. Hypogonadism (low testosterone) can cause erection issues. Low testosterone levels are therefore a potential cause.

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Medication Side Effect

As a side-effect, some medications can affect potency. These include beta-blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure. They may also cause problems with lipids, or depression drugs. 

Patients should consult their doctor if there is an indication to that effect on the package insert, and if there is suspicion the medication may be the cause of erectile problems. You may be able to get a different prescription.

Warning: Do not stop taking your medication or alter it on your own.

Other Causes

Not only must the blood flow in the penis be normal, but all of its nerve tracts as well. The entire nerve system – including the penis, spinal cord and brain – has to be in good condition.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by herniated disks, injuries, radiation or spinal cord operations. Neuropathy can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes or chronic alcoholism.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by diseases of the central nervous system, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or multiple sclerosis.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by obstructive sleep apnea. Potency can also be affected by serious illnesses, such as cancer or severe kidney and liver disease.

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What are the causes of man boobs?

It is important to be familiar with the causes of male breasts and to focus on each one. I have found that helping men lose their moobs is not as easy as it seems. It's often a combination of all three. Therefore, any plan of action must address them all. We will need to employ a variety of strategies because breasts can be caused by many factors.

How to get ride of man boobs?

A weight training program is necessary to build muscle. You will need to create a calorie surplus in order to lose fat. This is done by following a solid diet plan that you can stick to, and exercising regularly to ensure you are burning more calories than what you eat.

How to regulate your men hormones?

To regulate your hormones, you will need to make some changes in your daily routine. This is impossible to avoid. You must exercise and put in enough effort to maintain your muscle mass, but you may want to gain more.

Why can't you just diet your moobs away?

You might ask, "Why can't you just diet your moobs away?" When there is a calorie shortage, the body tends not to lose muscle but to retain fat. Muscle is full of energy and nutrition. If it's just sitting there, your body might use it to store fat for future reference.

Imagine how it would feel to have your muscle mass just sitting there, and your boobs sticking out because your body fat percentage would now be higher relative to muscle. This can be avoided by lifting weights.

Why should you strength your muscles?

Exercise can strengthen your muscles and force your body to search for other fuels, i.e. Fat. Any strength training program you do must target the entire body and not just the chest. I don't know how many videos and articles I've seen that only recommend a few chest exercises.

What to do for losing man boobs?

To get rid of man boobs, you need to increase your muscle mass. This will help you burn more calories and ensure your body uses its fat stores for food. We now understand the importance and benefits of resistance training to lose man boobs.

Why should you create a calorie surplus when exercising?

Next, we will focus on creating a calorie surplus. If you work out for 2 hours per day and still eat hundreds of calories more than your body needs, it won't help. Although you might be stronger, you will still have a C cup. Your boobs will disappear once the fat they are made of is burned off. You need to maintain a daily calorie deficit of around 15-20%. You must burn 100 calories for every 80-85 calories you eat. It seems easy, but this is where most men fail.

What to know about weight loss?

Informationmercials make it seem like weight loss is all about tricks and gimmicks, but it's really only math. Many men who set out to lose their man-boobs resort to crash diets and working out for hours every day, but they don't know how much fuel (calories).

How to start losing man boobs fat?

The first step is to standardize and understand your diet. Also, what nutritional benefits, if any are there? You should also focus on foods that are nutritious and filling, and not just tasty.

Food is fuel. You'll be more successful if you look at it this way than if you spend your day thinking about all the delicious treats you're missing. You must be consistent with your man boob elimination diet.

How to burn more calories?

Cardio is a great tool to burn calories quickly and help you avoid a calorie deficit. Cardio is not like weight training in that it doesn't result in much muscle gain (there are exceptions). Cardio, when done correctly, can force your body to begin digging into fat deposits and use them as fuel.

What is a great cardio training for combating man boobs?

One type of cardio that is most popular is High Intensity Interval training, also known as HIIT. Although it's hard work, if combined with a healthy diet and a good workout routine, it can transform your body into a man-bombing furnace.

Do hormones affect the grown of man boobs?

The hormone issue is the last. The hormone issue is the final factor. Man boobs don't just result from excess body fat. Otherwise, all men with a few extra LBs could be rockin' them.

Your hormones and genetics will determine whether your extra chub builds up in your stomach or on your chest. Although you can't change your genes, there are things you can do to improve your hormone situation.

What to know about testosterone increase?

You want to increase your testosterone and decrease your estrogen and cortisol. The good news is that sometimes what is good for one can be detrimental for the other. Making small changes in your daily life will make a big difference in your ability to win.

Avoid soy and estrogen-inducing foods. Lift heavy weight and do low reps at the gym. Relax. Stress is terrible, that's not a secret. But, if you need another reason to relax, cortisol (the stress hormone), can also increase.

Why to change your lifestyle if you have man boobs?

Just what exactly are you looking forward to? It time you act, and change lives in your life. Workout, this is a natural method to be rid man boobs. Proper workout helps one develop good muscle groups in proper areas. Toning and firming muscle tissue is actually important.

Eating good foods can be strongly suggested as the top reason for this problem is the manner of the way you eat.

What to avoid if you want to get ride of man boobs?

Avoid an excessive amount of eating of fatty meals and increase intake of veggies and sea foods, instead. Decrease pills in men contain formulation ingredients that are scientifically which can burn fats especially in the breast region.